Headon Warren and Alum Bay Chine

Headon Warren

Headon Warren is part of a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) located at the westernmost end of the Isle of Wight. The vegetation on the upper part of the warren is dominated by common and bell heathers, gorse and dwarf gorse. There is a ground cover of heathland plants, and the Dartford warbler breeds here. There are also areas of scrubland on the northern and western parts of the site, and pastureland on the south slopes.

Alum Bay Chine

The wooded valley / ravine between Alum Bay Road and Headon Warren is known as Alum Bay Chine. Although this is quite a small area, its sheltered habitat can be very productive during migration periods particularly for scarcer warblers such as wood and yellow-browed warblers.

Access, parking and amenities

From the roundabout at Totland War Memorial, turn into Madeira Road and then left into Cliff Road. Free parking is available alongside the Turf Walk. Head south-west alongside Cliff Road and then take the right turn onto footpath T16, or continue further on to footpath T17 (which runs alongside Warren Cottage). Both footpaths lead onto the Warren. Some roadside parking may be available nearer the entrance to footpath T17. The nearest postcode is PO39 0EH. Alternatively, park in the Alum Bay Car Park, which is Pay and Display at certain times of the year, for access to both the chine and the warren. Toilets can be found in the Alum Bay Car Park.

What to look out for - Calendar

Spring (March - June)

Blackcap, garden warbler, Dartford warbler (sometimes breeds), whitethroat (breeds), lesser whitethroat, willow warbler, chiffchaff, redstart, pied and spotted flycatcher, whinchat and stonechat, wheatear, yellowhammer, linnet, cuckoo, nightjar (breeds), long-eared owl (sometimes breeds) and hobby

Autumn (July - mid November)

Wheatear, tree pipit, chiffchaff, blackcap, willow warbler, whitethroat and lesser whitethroat, pied and spotted flycatcher, redstart, stonechat, yellow wagtail and goldcrest. Visible migration of finches, hirundines, thrushes, pipits and wagtails. Swift, green woodpecker, kestrel, sparrowhawk, and buzzard.

Winter (mid November - February)

The area is generally very quiet for the Winter months, but cold weather movements may be seen in suitable weather conditions.


Cattle egret, bee-eater, Pallas’s warbler and yellow-browed warbler.


Willow warbler. © Andy Butler

Pallas's warbler. © Mark Buckley

Cattle egret. © Tracey Jolliffe

Useful links and further reading

Headon Warren and West High Down - Woodland Trust

View the current weather forecast for Totland

View a map of Headon Warren

Headon Warren Walk - National Trust website

Public Transport Advice

Isle of Wight Birding Sites