Bembridge Harbour
The Bembridge Harbour area covers several different habitats. The tidal harbour holds a range of waders, wildfowl and gulls, and Kingfisher, mainly in winter. Counts of Mediterranean gull can reach well into three figures in the autumn. The best place to view from is the mill pond wall that stretches right across the harbour.
To the west of the harbour entrance is St. Helens Duver where it is worth checking the bushes for migrants, and the seafront at high tide in winter for divers, grebes and red-breasted merganser.
Brading Marshes can be viewed from the road bridge over the river Yar (see Brading Marshes for more detail) and from there, take the path that runs east, parallel with Embankment Road, past a scrape and on to freshwater ponds.
Check the tide times prior to visiting this location as low tide brings in many more Waders.
Access, parking and amenities
Parking is available in the National Trust Car Park (Pay and Display) on The Duver, or there is free street parking in Latimer Road. There is a cafe in Bembridge Harbour, but please note that this is only open during the late Spring / Summer months. With regards to amenities, toilets can be located opposite the Pilot Boat and on the Duver by the Baywatch Cafe.
What to look out for - Calendar
Spring (March - June)
Whimbrel, common sandpiper, black and bar-tailed godwits, greenshank, sandwich and common terns, cuckoo, wheatears, whinchat and a variety of warblers including grasshopper.
Autumn (July - mid November)
Osprey, marsh harrier, migrant waders such as whimbrel, common sandpipers, greenshank, redshank, sandwich and common terns, Mediterranean gull, migrant land birds including hirundines, meadow and rock pipits, yellow, pied and grey wagtails, redstarts, whinchat and stonechats, wheatear, the commoner warblers and finches.
Winter (mid November - February)
Dark-bellied brent goose, wigeon, gadwall, teal, pintail, shoveler, pochard, red-breasted merganser, goosander, cormorant, Mediterranean gull and a variety of waders including black-tailed godwit, curlew, little egret, grey heron, little grebe, greenshank, redshank, dunlin, ringed plover and lapwing. Kingfishers are also regularly seen, along with peregrine, sparrowhawk, kestrel and buzzard. Ravens are present year round.
Due to the variety of habitats available, a number of rarities have been spotted at this location including American golden plover, bluethroat, serin, hoopoe, long-billed dowitcher, alpine swift, smew, ferruginous duck, Savi’s warbler (embankment path), glossy ibis and night heron.
Useful links and further reading
View the current weather forecast for Bembridge Harbour
View tide times for Bembridge Harbour
View a map of Bembridge Harbour