Isle of Wight County Bird List

We maintain the list of species recorded from the island. This includes all rarities where at least one sighting has been accepted by the appropriate review process. Pending and rejected records of other rarities are not included. The list will be periodically updated to reflect additions.

For each species the following information is included:

Breeding Status

BBRC/JLRC listed species

Many local observers keep annual and life lists of their island sightings. With very considerable effort, over 200 species may be seen in a calendar year, and the current highest island life list stands at 295.

Some observers also take part in a New Years Day (January 1st) bird count, the highest total for which currently stands at 122 species.


Eastern stonechat. © Andy Butler

Fieldfare. © Tracey Jolliffe

Fulmar. © Tracey Jolliffe