About Isle of Wight Ornithological Group

The Group was officially formed in 1986 as an informal group for local birders. Subscriptions to the Group were subsequently formalised, along with the first newsletter, commencing in 1992 with the following key aims and objectives established:

Scope of Activities

Current activities of the group, in support if its objectives, include:

Could you help us with our work?

The Group fully appreciates that many of its members are extremely talented individuals and any offers of assistance would be greatly appreciated. Needless to say, members that do get involved, do so on a totally voluntary basis.

Listed below are just a few examples of where you can help, so if you would like to get involved, please do get in touch with David Hunnybun to explore the full range of possibilities:


The Officers of the Group consist of:


All of the bird images used on this site have been taken on the Isle of Wight. The Group would like to thank all contributors for letting us use their work on this website. Please note that copyright remains with the image owners.


This website contains links to other related and useful websites and resources. We have no control over these sites are not responsible for any content and resources that they contain.


In the event of dissolution of the group any assets remaining, upon settlement of any debts, shall not be distributed amongst members, but shall be transferred to some other body, or bodies, having objectives similar to those of the Group.


Curlew sandpiper. © Derek Hale

Ringed plover. © Derek Hale

Purple heron. © Graham Andrews