Isle of Wight research – surveying the Island’s birds
Survey work provides valuable information on population trends. A number of surveys are performed on the island on a regular basis, including local surveys carried out under the auspices of the Isle of Wight Ornithological Group, and local inputs to national surveys carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology. Details of them are listed below.
Isle of Wight Ornithological Group local surveys
The group conducts two surveys on a regular basis.
Isle of Wight Breeding Bird Survey
This survey involves counting the breeding birds within defined 1km x 1km squares. Over time, local population changes become evident and the data from this survey provides the best local data we have on island breeding bird population trends. c.20 squares are currently covered annually. If you would like to take on a new survey square please contact the Bird Recorder.
Isle of Wight Garden Bird Survey
This survey involves recording birds seen in the observer’s garden on a monthly basis. Two surveys are carried out in each twelve-month period, one covering the winter months and one the breeding season. To participate in this survey please contact James Gloyn.
The group occasionally also arranges local surveys targeting specific species. For example, in 2023, an all-island survey of breeding Rooks revealed c.3500 breeding pairs, a significant decline since the previous comprehensive survey performed in 1998. Details of any forthcoming surveys of this type are published in the group’s newsletter.
British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) national surveys
The trust performs several regular surveys annually, including:
The Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)
A monthly survey of marine and freshwater habitats of wetland birds. All principal island locations of such habitat are covered.
The Heronries Census
An annual census of Grey Heron and Little Egret breeding numbers. (Rarer herons and Cormorant are also included).
BTO breeding bird survey
Similar to the Isle of Wight Ornithological Group’s local breeding bird survey but uses a defined transect, rather than a comprehensive coverage, approach for the 1km x 1km square.
For further information on these and other BTO survey activities please contact the Isle of Wight regional BTO representative
BTO winter gull survey
Winter gull monitoring programme which started in 1953 and takes place approximately every ten years.